Wedding wedding ring, engagement ring and His And Hers Promise Rings
... what's the difference?
Do you want to gift a a ring to your partner? You're looking to propose but you're not sure how to select an engagement ring. The SO OR team has thought of you. In this blog post, we will describe the different kinds of rings we have available, such as wedding rings, engagement rings or even promise rings. How do you choose them.
Origins and symbolism
The promise ring is one of the most popular rings in the world today. It is a ring we give to our loved ones or to someone dear to us to make a promise. of eternal love and fidelity. It is a ring that is a reference to the trust between two people who pledge to stay together. This ring will not lead to marriage. It is only a symbol of trust and eternal love. On the other hand, it can be offered before an engagement.

Your promise ring is a representation of your love, therefore it is crucial to pick it with care.
When to give a promise ring?
There are no rules on when to present rings of promise. It can be an anniversary celebration, Valentine's Day or a symbolic event.
Where do you put your promise ring?
There are no cultural limitations. It's all about what you want and what you believe. It can be worn around the neck with chains that have a fine mesh. But, it can also be worn on the left ring finger of the right or left hand, based on your preference.
How to choose your promise ring?
There are no cultural regulations there as well. It is usually less formal than an engagement ring. The most popular motifs are the heart or the infinity sign.
The SO OR team selected for you a wide selection of promise rings which will bring joy to your spouse.
Origins and symbolism
The engagement ring was first utilized in Antiquity. In reality, the beliefs of the time are based on the fact that it was believed that the ring finger was directly linked to the heart. This is why rings were worn on the left hand, specifically the ring finger, to symbolize eternal love. Additionally, gifting rings to one's prospective wife also meant that the dowry paid to the family of the bride.
Nowadays, giving an engagement ring is traditional and symbolic, since it's a real sign of love for the loved one, which can lead to a vow of marriage.
The engagement ring is a sign of your commitment to each other and should be chosen carefully.
When is the right time to gift an engagement ring to your lover?
There are no rules that are rigid. Generally speaking, we give an engagement ring when we propose, that is to say about one year prior to the wedding day, however this can vary depending on the couple. But, the request can also be made in the event of an important date, Christmas, Valentine's Day or even an anniversary.
Where should you wear your engagement ring?
Ring finger on left hand: A traditional choice, because according to ancient mythology the finger will be connected to the vein of the heart.
Middle finger The middle finger is the one you can pick of placing your engagement ring on your middle finger. It is the longest finger on the hand and is more visible. You can show it off to friends more easily.
Wedding ring: Your engagement ring can be worn on the same ring finger with your wedding ring.
How do you choose your engagement ring?
A ring that is similar to her. Refer to her style: elegant, traditional, elegant, alternative. The engagement ring is worn every day by the couple, so it should be designed to them.
The budget: This is a very important present. The engagement ring is a significant investment.
Gold is the preferred metal for engagement rings.
Please refer to our article on precious gems and birthstones. However, the most prominent stone in the engagement ring is diamond. You can choose between sapphire, a stone that symbolizes commitment and loyalty or ruby, which by its color, symbolizes love.
Volume: Your fiancee might prefer to wear it following the wedding, layered on her wedding band. It is therefore advisable to choose a ring that isn't too heavy.
There are three main types of engagement rings.
Solitaire: A classic, timeless and well-known game that will make you a smitten and your partner. Solitaires are constructed of a single stone They can be claw set.
The shouldered solitaire is a timeless piece that will impress your fiancée. Solitaires with shouldered designs feature a central stone and are surrounded by smaller stones around it.
The trilogies are a real symbol of commitment. The trilogy is comprised of three stones that symbolize your love's journey: the past, present and future.
The SO OR team has selected for you, a collection of engagement rings you can offer to your loved one to propose to her.
Origins and symbolism
The wedding ring is a product of Antiquity, just like the engagement ring. In fact, in the past the act of gifting a ring your bride-to-be signified the union of two families. the dowry was paid. The belief is that giving someone a ring means forever love and eternity. It was during the 9th century thanks to the Catholic Church, that we really talk about alliances. Since then, wedding rings and vows were exchanged at the wedding.
Today the wedding ring is a precious stone that symbolizes forever love, as well as the eternal bond between two beings.
The wedding band is a symbol of marriage, and the union of two people. These precious stones are your forever companions.
When should you present a wedding ring?
A wedding ring is exchanged on the wedding day. The exchange of rings after the wedding ceremony is a symbolic and significant event.